Monthly Archives: April 2019


Development of a special, qualified production technology

2019-08-28T09:56:45+02:002019. 04. 11.|

Development of a special, qualified production technology for new, linear iron cores Innovative research-development of the production technology and qualification of new, special iron cores of extended linearity The purpose of the project is to realise a complex vertical production scope, starting from materials science research up to the development of the prototypes of semi-plant manufacturing [...]

Increasing the production capacity of electronic semi-finished products

2019-08-28T09:56:54+02:002019. 04. 11.|

Development of special, qualified production technology for new, linear iron cores, procurement of 1 spectrometer, and 3 individually designed manufacturing- ring core winding equipment covering a wide dimension range. The purpose of the project is to realise a complex vertical production scope, starting from materials science research up to the development of the prototypes of semi-plant [...]


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